Jeff Masuda, PhD
Principal Investigator
Queen’s University
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies
SKHS Building, Room KHS301T
28 Division Street,
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 3N6
Tel: (613-533-6000 ext. 77560
Jeff Masuda, PhD
Principal Investigator
Queen’s University
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies
SKHS Building, Room KHS301T
28 Division Street,
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 3N6
Tel: (613-533-6000 ext. 77560
Hello and Greetings;
I am the minister of a tiny, aged United Church of Canada congregation, called the Vancouver Japanese United Church – english-speaking congregation. We share our building and some activities with another congregation which we refer to as Issei, and who are Japanese-speaking. While my own heritage is northern European (UK) I am very committed to the happiness and wellbeing of our people, and am fascinated by their culture and history, especially relating to the local experience. If there is any interest in either contacting us or having us participate in some of your undertakings, please contact us at: Thank you!